Corporate Profile

Main Business Planning and execution of medium-and long term management strategies for KTI KAWADA Group:provision of support for business.A strategy implementation by Group companies and management of business activies.
Establishment February, 2009
Main Office Tokyo Office
1-3-11 Takinogawa Kita-ku Tokyo 114-8563, Japan

Toyama Office
4610 Nojima Nanto City Toyama 939-1593, Japan
Board of Members Representative Director and President Kawada Tadahiro
Managing Director Watanabe Satoru
Director Kawada Takuya
Director Miyata Kensaku
Outside Director Yamakawa Takahisa
Outside Director Takakuwa Koichi
Outside Director Mugino Hidenori

Director who is a Full-time Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Okada Toshinari
Outside Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Fukuchi Keiko
Outside Director who is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Katsuno Megumi
〈As of June 27, 2024〉
Capital 5,311,419,500 yen 〈As of September 30, 2024〉
Stock exchange listings The Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Fiscal year end March 31
Number of Employees (consolidated)2,447;(sole)94 people
〈As of September 30, 2024〉
Main Financing Banks The Hokuriku Bank, Ltd.
MUFG Bank, Ltd.

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