Research and Development

Technologies supporting the KTI Kawada Group

The technologies supporting the KTI Kawada Group are backed by extensive research and development data and its achievements in a wide range of genres ranging from basic technology to applied development.

Starting in fiscal year 2008, we changed the structure to promote development and research for each technical development theme common to the selection of research themes, aiming for the group's overall optimization.

In the KTI Kawada Group, Kawada Technologies' Technology Research Center is focusing on establishing a company-wide technical network and aggregating and sharing data, enabling development speed and creative technology development.

Kawada Technologies' Technology Research Center (TRC)

Palroad3 10F 1-7-1 Akabane Nishi Kita-ku,Tokyo,
115-0055 Japan
Phone : +81-3-6385-8755

TRC Core Platform Laboratory

c/o Kawada Robotics Corp.JPR Ueno East Bldg.7F
1-3-5 Matsugaya Taito-ku,Tokyo,111-0036 Japan
Phone : +81-3-5830-3951

Research and Development Report

The KTI Kawada Group periodically issues the Kawada Technical Report, a paper and technical report collection that summarizes the latest research results and technical introductions.
Please refer to the website of Kawada Industries Co., Ltd. to browse the Kawada Technical Report and view technical questions, etc.

  • *Japanese only

Research and Development Initiatives

In addition to the fields of technology and research and development, we are planning to develop social needs and a future for society in addition to steel bridges, PC bridges, new construction and conservation of composite structures of steel and concrete; construction methods, steel production and welding technology; and robotics. We are also working proactively on environmental technology as the KTI Kawada Group.

Environment and energy initiative

Use of solar thermal energy
Remote monitoring of the use of terrestrial heat

Basic research on aerodynamic problems

Wind-tunnel tests on turbulence near bridges and CFD analysis of tests

Basic research on structural features

Fatigue tests on large structural models

Practical use of ICT and mechatronics technologies

Infrastructure inspection robots
A project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization NEDO

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